Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Galileo and Us

Galileo's middle finger is on display, somewhere in Italy.
Is it odd that I find that poetic? 

The digits that knew the subtleties in glass, and discovered planets in return, are visible from a podium in some museum.

His eyes, having gone blind while under house arrest, are even more intriguing.

The eyes that saw the difference in 4 of Jupiter's moons from his villa in Florence,
that saw the 'Ears' of Saturn, 
and that saw the passing of 4 popes in the Vatican over his lifetime;
became void in his old age - from staring at sunspots, no less.

Is it odd that while I look at my fingers, and yours, I see in them two souls that have measured countless other glasses to discover our own heavenly bodies.
 And when I reflect on our eyes, I can't help but see the brightest stars in the universe of our Solar faces.

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